Growing happy flowers.Growing happy flowers.

Growing happy flowers.

About Us

Bountiful Blossoms Farm was officially started in 2023 by an ambitious flower enthusiast. The primary mission was to share joy and happiness through flowers. Everything on our farm is natural, nothing synthetic here. We use leaf compost, cover crops and fish emulsions to fertilize and condition the soil which produces some of the happiest flowers. Ladybugs, lacewings and bees are used to keep the 'bad' bugs away. We are located just outside of Ashland in Hanover County, Virginia. We are a SWaM certified business.
Bouquet Subscriptions

Bouquet Subscriptions

We offer weekly and bi-monthly bouquets for $20 each.
June WorkshopJune Workshop
June 22, 10am-Noon / Limited seating so register early.

June Workshop

Special Events

Special Events

The right flowers can bring your special event to an even higher level. We provide custom arrangements for any occasion.

Read what our happy customers say...

Read what our happy customers say... - #1
Allie and Blaire - October 2023
"Everyone agreed the floral arrangements were the highlight of the event! [We] can't thank you enough for all your hard work. It was beautiful!"
Read what our happy customers say... - #2
Catherine, 2023 Wreath Workshop
"Next year I'm signing up early to do this with you, so much fun!"


— Stephanie Polito, Chief Flower Grower and Owner
So happy you are here! Like most, my road to becoming a flower farmer was more curvy than straight. By reading these blogs you are able to live my experiences and hopefully share in the joy that flowers bring me.
Blog #2

Blog #2

February 2024 Lesson Learned.
Have you ever heard the expression, ‘You don’t know what you don’t know’? The first time I heard it I actually laughed out loud. Of course, there are things I don’t know, like quantum physics, calculus and how to change the oil in my car. Going into this adventure of becoming a flower farmer/business owner I thought I had all my i’s dotted and my t’s crossed. I had researched start-up costs, hired an attorney to prepare all the necessary documents, secured ‘seed’ money and knew my years of growing flowers was all the knowledge I needed to be successful. Well folks, I was so very WRONG. Every day I am learning something new, mostly by trial and error. Lucky for me I just happen to love learning (about the things I find interesting – not calculus of course). For example, I know that supplies + labor = price of goods. What I didn’t know (or chose to forget) was that I needed to include taxes AND the credit card processing fees. May not seem like a lot, but when something costs you $12 and you sell if for $24, you are actually only making $8. My equation should have been supplies + labor + taxes + fees = price of goods. My economics teacher would be so proud that I learned this the hard way. Here is another little nugget I learned, just because I know that value of my product does not mean everyone else does too. I am in the flower business because I LOVE the way flowers make me feel. To me their intrinsic value is priceless. BUT to many, they are a nice thing to look at but will eventually die so why bother buying them. So, guess what I have added to my business purpose, education. My marketing needs to make customers feel that same way. Not as easy as it sounds (even for a person with a marketing degree). I am taking an agri-business class through my county with several other small business owners in the agricultural industry. I wish I could tell you exactly how many ‘A-ha’ moments I have had just by simply talking to my classmates. They are full of examples of things I would have never even imagined, the good and the bad. Moral of this blog post is, go after your dreams and NEVER stop learning from your experiences. (It is also a great idea to share/impart your wisdom onto others.)

Blog #1

Take a step into my life as a flower farmer...
August 2023 How it all started. When I was little, I was 100% sure that I was going to be a professional ballerina. As I gained a little life experience, I knew I was going to be an architect like my dad. In college I was going to be the most successful business woman on the planet, I was going to completely shatter that glass ceiling… Fast forward 30 years and I am still deciding what I want to be when I grow up. I dabbled in the corporate world, then I became the CEO of our household (no pay but the benefits were fabulous!). At 40 I decided to go back to school to become a special education teacher. That was fun, 2 years of classes at night, juggling 2 active boys’ schedules, trying to be the good wife AND working full-time at my paying job in the school system. Teaching was great, all the other stuff was not so I ended up back in the corporate world working for a small start-up company. Hmmm, I am seeing a pattern. The corporate world on TV is much different than in life- go figure! Truth be told, I am envious of all those who knew exactly what they wanted to do from a young age and are in love with the career they chose. So here I am at 53 reinventing myself. About 5 years ago my husband and I bought a house on 11 acres. At the time I thought this was going to be a quiet place to live and entertain. (Plus, our grown boys would be more likely to visit if we had 4-wheelers- still waiting on those.) The previous owners had an affinity for flowers, different varieties were planted all over the place. Flowers have always been a passion; It is really hard for me to leave bouquets in stores rather than my shopping basket. Something started rumbling in my head about what I am supposed to be doing and why we chose to live on so much land. So, I planted a small flower garden. The garden grew (literally) into an obsession. I started reading books on how to grow them, arrange them and yes, sell them. I never thought I would get excited over seedlings, but I did! They became my babies. I would diligently turn on and off the grow lights (now I use a timer…) and spritz with water when needed. It was euphoric when the seeds erupted! The greatest thing since sliced bread! I was hooked. Each season my garden would get a little bigger, I learned so much those 1st few years. Like it is not a good idea to directly plant your precious seedlings in the ground without letting them get acclimated. I have since learned that they must be ‘hardened’ first. Another biggie is to test the soil BEFORE planting. Seems so obvious now. Now that I am an official grown-up, I know what I am going to do for a living, become a flower farmer! And you are on the adventure with me as I write about my successes and failures of starting and running my own farm. Hang on folks, this may get a little bumpy! My farm is called Bountiful Blossoms and my mission is to educate and spread my love of flowers to anyone willing to listen.
Let us know.

Let us know.

We are a SWaM certified business.